Sunday 11 July 2010

Nasi Goreng video: classic Asian rice & prawns plus chicken and satay sauce, Part 1

PART 1 (PART 2 plus recipe HERE) My friend Denise made us a wonderful meal last week. Nasi Goreng is a traditional Indonesian fried rice dish made with prawns, ginger, garlic, chilli and tamarind among a myriad of other tasty ingredients. We're serving it with roast chicken with a tasty peanut satay sauce with ginger, garlic, chillies and onion. Here's how to cook Nasi Goreng in an easy two part video (second part here). Plus a satay sauce made simple but absolutely mouthwatering. Served over roasted chicken pieces and fried savoury rice. Strong pungent flavours for those who like their taste buds given a good time. Interruptions by various males never knocked us off our true course: bringing you the best of Asian cooking. Amazing how much focus you have when you're hungry. Part one of two parts. Part 2 here.